Tuesday 4 March 2014

The world's 10 best cities to live in

  Melbourne, Australia (the city scores an overall rating of 97.5 out of 100)Picture: Philip Game / Alamy
 Vienna, Austria (97.4)Picture: travelstock44 / Alamy
  Vancouver, Canada (97.3)Picture: Stefano Politi Markovina / Alamy
  Toronto, Canada (97.2)Picture: Torontonian / Alamy
  Calgary, Canada (96.6)Picture: Design Pics Inc. / Alamy
 Adelaide, Australia (96.6)Picture: HEMIS / ALAMY
  Sydney, Australia (96.1)Picture: Andreas Athitakis / Alamy
  Helsinki, Finland (96.0)Picture: Tetra Images / Alamy

The world's 10 best cities to live in, according to the Economist Intelligence Unit global “liveability” study, which looks at how “tolerable” it is to live in a particular place given its crime levels, threat of conflict, quality of medical care, levels of censorship, temperature, schools and transport links.
10. Auckland, New Zealand, which scores an overall rating of 95.7 out of 100
Picture: imagebroker / Alamy
Perth, Australia (95.9)Picture: travellinglight / Alamy

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